The brothers Lumiére, who were going several years in his invention and having filmed already more than one hundred of movies of a minute, decided to teach his invention to the people of Paris.
When the spectators saw moving the carriages him for the streets of Lyons, they stayed petrified open-mouthed, speechless and surprised beyond what can express The diaries of Paris to him they praised that unusual spectacle and the brothers Lumiére had his unconditional spectators assured, from the second day.


Georges Mèliés got enthusiastic with the invention of the Lumiére because of his knowledge of the world of the cajolement, it had developed his filmmaker's career, applying his skills to the world of the spectacle in the Theatre Robert Houdini, of Paris, which he bought for the effect and whom it provided with all the necessary inventions to realize sophisticated puttings in scene and to surprise the Parisian ones with his sets, projections, wardrobes and representations.


Edwin S. Porter, had the brilliant idea of mounting separately a series of scenes of file of fires and actions of the firemen on the one hand, and for other one you sequence of firemen taken by him. The result was, probably, the first movie of assembly of the history of the cinema "Life of an American fireman".


Griffith created his own history being awarded the being the pioneer of several cinematographic discoveries without it being, there is no the one who doubts the decisive importance of his producer's task to be served the technology and to discover, to expand and to consolidate great part of what today is considered to be the cinematographic language. His first contribution is in the way of using the set of technical skills to count better his histories. From 1908 it rolled tape infinity, did all the conceivable experiments, in moments, as affirm several authors in whom, neither when rules nor schools of filming exist, everything was allowed.